hlooho ea leqephe - 1


Ho khothaletsa bophelo bo botle ba mala ka tlhaho e omisitsoeng ka phofo ea Bifidobacterium Breve phofo

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Lebitso la Brand: Newgreen

Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa: 5-800billion cfu/g

Shelf Life: 24months

Mokhoa oa ho boloka: Sebaka se phodileng se ommeng

Ponahalo: Phofo e tšoeu

Kopo: Lijo / Tlatsetso

Mohlala: E teng

Ho paka: 25kg / moropa; 1kg / foil Mokotla; 8oz/bag kapa joalo ka tlhoko ea hau

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Tšebeletso ea OEM / ODM

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa:

Bifidobacterium breve ke eng?

Bifidobacterium breve ke mofuta oa probiotic ka tlhaho o fumanehang ka maleng a motho. Li-probiotics ke likokoana-hloko tse phelang tseo, ha li jeoa ka bongata bo lekaneng, li ka fanang ka melemo e mengata ea bophelo bo botle. Bifidobacterium breve e tsejoa ka bokhoni ba eona ba ho tšehetsa tšilo ea lijo le bophelo bo botle ba 'mele.

Bifidobacteria e sebetsa joang?

Bifidobacterium breve e sebetsa ka ho kopanya mala le ho ama tekano ea mala a microbiome. Ka mor'a ho kenngoa, libaktheria tsena tse molemo li fihla ka maleng 'me li khomarela lebota la mala, li thibela ho hōla ha libaktheria tse kotsi. Bifidobacterium breve e boetse e hlahisa mefuta e fapaneng ea metsoako e tlatsetsang tikolohong ea mala a phetseng hantle, ho kenyelletsa le li-acid tse khutšoane tse mafura tse matlafatsang lisele tsa mala le ho khothaletsa bophelo bo botle ba bona.

Mosebetsi le Tšebeliso:

Melemo ea Bifidobacterium breve ke efe?

Bifidobacterium breve e na le melemo e fapaneng, eo kaofela e amanang le phello e ntle ho bophelo bo botle ba mala:

1.E Ntlafatsa Ts'ebetso ea Ts'ilo: Bifidobacterium breve e thusa ho pshatla lik'habohaedreite tse rarahaneng, ho thusa tšilo ea tsona le ho monya. E boetse e susumetsa tlhahiso ea li-enzyme tsa tšilo ea lijo, e matlafatsa ts'ebetso ea tšilo ea lijo ka kakaretso le ho fokotsa mathata a tšilo ea lijo joalo ka ho qhibiliha le khase.

2.E matlafatsa tsamaiso ea 'mele ea ho itšireletsa mafung: Mala a phetha karolo ea bohlokoa mosebetsing oa ho itšireletsa mafung,' me Bifidobacterium breve e ka thusa ho tšehetsa khokahanyo ena. Ka ho leka-lekanya microbiome ea hau ea maleng, e ka ntlafatsa karabelo ea hau ea 'mele ea ho itšireletsa mafung, ea fokotsa kotsi ea tšoaetso, esita le ho fokotsa matšoao a allergy.

3.Supports Gut Health: Bifidobacterium breve e thusa ho boloka botšepehi ba mokoallo oa mala, ho thibela lintho tse kotsi ho kena maling. Sena se ka fokotsa ho ruruha, sa ntlafatsa bophelo bo botle ba mala, 'me sa fokotsa maemo a kang lefu la mala a ho ruruha.

4.E kokobetsa Lets'ollo le Lets'ollo: Bifidobacterium breve e bonts'itsoe e sebetsa ho imolla letšollo le ho patoa. E khutlisetsa ho leka-lekana ha libaktheria tsa mala tse sitisoang ke lithibela-mafu, ho fokotsa kotsi ea letšollo le amanang le lithibela-mafu, 'me ho khothalletsa ho tsoa mala kamehla.

5.Ho khothalletsa bophelo bo botle ba kelello: Lipatlisiso tse hlahang li bontša kamano e matla pakeng tsa bophelo bo botle ba mala le bophelo ba kelello. Bifidobacterium breve e ka susumetsa khokahano ena hantle ka ho hlahisa metsoako e itseng e ka amang tšebetso ea li-neurotransmitter le ho fokotsa matšoao a ho tšoenyeha le khatello ea maikutlo.

Ho kenyelletsa tlatsetso ea boleng bo holimo ea Bifidobacterium breve kemisong ea hau ea letsatsi le letsatsi ho bohlokoa ho kotula melemo ena. Ka ho kenyelletsa Bifidobacterium breve lijong tsa hau tsa letsatsi le letsatsi, o ka ts'ehetsa tsamaiso ea hau ea tšilo ea lijo, oa ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea 'mele ea hau ea ho itšireletsa mafung, oa khothaletsa bophelo bo botle ba mala, oa imolla mathata a mala, mme oa ntlafatsa bophelo bo botle ba kelello. Ho etelletsa pele bophelo bo botle ba mala ke karolo ea bohlokoa ea ho boloka bophelo bo botle ka kakaretso.

Lihlahisoa tse Amanang:

Fektheri ea Newgreen e boetse e fana ka li-probiotics tse molemo ka ho fetisisa tse latelang:

Lactobacillus acidophilus

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Lactobacillus salivarius

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Lactobacillus plantarum

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Bifidobacterium phoofolo

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Lactobacillus reuteri

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Lactobacillus rhamnosus

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Lactobacillus casei

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Lactobacillus paracasei

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Lactobacillus bulgaricus

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Lactobacillus helveticus

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Lactobacillus fermenti

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Lactobacillus gasseri

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Lactobacillus johnsonii

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Streptococcus thermophilus

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Bifidobacterium bifidum

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Bifidobacteria lactis

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Bifidobacteria longum

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Bifidobacteria breve

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Bifidobacterium adolescentis

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Bifidobacterium infantis

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Lactobacillus crispatus

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Enterococcus faecalis

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Enterococcus faecium

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Lactobacillus buchner

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Bacillus coagulans

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Bacillus subtilis

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Bacillus licheniformis

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Bacillus megaterium

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g

Lactobacillus jensenii

50-1000 limilione tse likete tsa cfu / g


How to buy: Plz contact our customer service or write email to claire@ngherb.com. We offer fast shipping around the world so you can get what you need with ease.


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  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • tšebeletso ea oemodm(1)

    Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona